
Interactive databases of the battery value chain

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The project partners

The creation of the website is part of a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) entitled »BEMA2020 II - complementary research project for the battery materials for future electromotive, stationary and other industry-relevant applications (Battery 2020)« funding initiative. The work package for the creation of the website as part of the accompanying research project is intended, among other things, to provide a holistic overview of the battery industry.

Research into new battery technologies in the »Battery 2020« project has been supported by the BMBF with various funding measures since 2009. The scientific and industrial basis of battery research should be established and expanded with these measures in order to advance Germany on its way to becoming the leading supplier of key technologies for electromobility. The BMBF's »Battery 2020« funding measure is intended to consistently continue along this path. The aim of the funding measure is to consider material and process developments in a system context.

Batterie 2020
Batterie 2020

Fraunhofer ISI

The Meta-Market-Monitoring is published by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI in Karlsruhe. Fraunhofer ISI is a globally recognized center of excellence in innovation research. Through the different focal points of seven Competence Centers, central questions of innovation dynamics and system transformation are addressed in an interdisciplinary and holistic perspective. The institute offers unique opportunities for the application and development of new approaches in innovation research. It has close links to numerous universities and research institutions in Germany and abroad. Through a leading position in theory- and evidence-based consulting, the institute has unique access to national and international stakeholders in politics and business.


The implementation of the project website was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the BEMA2020 research project (project number 03XP0272B).